SS-only Items
ID documents:
​SS-Truppen Ausweis (for combat troops)
SS-Ausweis (for all SS branches, 1936+)
Early SS-Ausweis (1933-35)
Office pass for Reich Main Security Office (SD) in Berlin
Award Certificates
SS-Ehrenring also known as "Totenkopfring" was a personal award of Heinrich Himmler
SS Honor Sword (Ehrendegen Reichsführer-SS)
SS Long Service award was awarded for 4, 8, 12 , 25 and 40 (only in alternative reality)
Special and very rare awards related to the SS unit of Fee City of Danzig (Gdańsk)
​Danzig Cross for special contribution to building up NSDAP party in Danzig
Honor Pin of SS-Heimwehr Danzig for members of the local SS unit
SS-Heimwehr ID document (Ausweis)
Blood Order was one of the most prestigious awards of the Party. 1500 were originally awarded to participants of the failed putsch of 1923 (known as Beer Hall Putsch). Krause Papierwerke provides both
​Blood Order award certificate as well as
Coburg Honor Badge (Koburger Ehrenzeichen) was the first national NSDAP award established by Hitler. Awarded to ~650 SA-Men who fought and defeated communists and leftists on the streets of Coburg in 1922.
Anti-Partisan Badge - not strictly SS, but more often than not awarded to SS soldiers for fighting partisans on the occupied territories.
Close Combat Clasp - award document version for SS only
Yule (Julfest) related items:
Letter accompanying a Julleuchter - a Nordic-style candle holder presented to all married SS members from 1936-1944. It was to be lit on the New Year's Eve every year.
Candles and boxes for candles to be used in Julleuchter
Letter accompanying Jule candle sent to SS-men yearly.
Julleuchter postcard (optionally signed by the Reichsführer SS)
Other SS collateral:
SS headgear RZM tags: for visor cap black or white, and one for field-cap
SS promotion document - with emulated seal with "Meine Ehre heißt Treue" and stamp of Reichsführer-SS.
- Marriage permission for an SS-soldier. Yes, you need to ask!
Set of 12 SS-Men sketches by Wolfgang Willrich with Himmler's foreword - depiction of Aryan beauty
- SS before Barbaross Postcard signed by Himmler himself - "The morning of Barbarossa" (invasion of the Soviet Union)
- SS recruitment postcard calling Hitlejugend boys to enlist​
Julleuchter postcard (optionally signed by the Reichsführer SS)
Early SS Propaganda postcard - "Ehre, Freiheit und Brot" = "Honor, Freedom and Bread"
Also check out SS Heroes & Villains Collection by Krause.