Luftwaffe Awards

Hermann Göring's Luftwaffe, so glorious during the first phase of the war and quite irrelevant in the second, awarded its pilots, crews and ground troops with number of specific awards, sometimes replacing the army's equivalents (like Infantry Assault, Flak or even Panzer Badge). In the list below you will find awards collateral that Krause Papierwerke provides for your enjoyment and enhancement historical experience. Enjoy browsing and let me know if there's something you'd like to see that isn't there!
Luftwaffe specific documents available from Krause Papierwerke:
Luftwaffe Honor Goblet (Ehrenpokal)
German Cross in Gold (Deutsches Kreuz) for Luftwaffe (official certificate)
Front Flying Clasp of Luftwaffe (Frontflugspange) - visit dedicated product page
for fighter, night-fighter and long-range night fighter
for observer
for transport
Ground Assault Badge ceritficate and presentation envelope (Erdkampfabzeichen)
Pilot Badge (Flugzeugführerabzeichen) and Glider Pilot Badge (Segelflugzeugführerabzeichen)
Air Gunner Badge (Fliegerschützenabzeichen)
Paratrooper Badge (Abzeichen für Fallschirmschützenschein)
Paratrooper Loyalty Pendant (Fallschirmjäger Treukette)
Cuff-title Crete (Kreta Ärmelband) award document
Luftwaffe Long Service Award (all classes)
Documents available:
Fallschirmjäger ID (Fallschirmschützenschein)
Check out Luftwaffe Heros Collection by Krause.