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Historically accurate reproduction of certificate for West Wall Medal (Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen) in either civilian or military version.

Civilian version includes Presidential Stamp and signature of Meissner, military version comes with a unit stamp and 2 signatures - one from Wehrkreis General and the other from unit commander (filled out version).

For filled out version also remember to provide name, rank, unit (if military) or name, profession, town (if civilian) and award date (normally sometime in 1940, or after October 1944 for reinforcing defences in face of allied invasion).


Detailed historical award date limitations:

  • civilian: 2 August 1939 - 31 January 1941, and after 10 October 1944
  • military: 13 November 1939 - 31 January 1941, and after 10 October 1944

West Wall Medal - Certificate

PriceFrom $4.50
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