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Instructions for filling out documents

(under construction)


Filling out reproduction of Third Reich documents for reenacting or display purpose can be a daunting task. On this page I plan to make it easier by explaining content and providing hints on how to make it correctly. I hope with the help of internet community of collectors, this page will grow and over time become a useful resource and reference for history enthusiasts. 


Documents (in alphabetic order):

  • BDM Leistungsbuch (available here(*)

  • DRK Ausweis / ID (available here)

  • Hitler Jugend Membership Booklet (available here(*)

  • Kennkarte / Civilian ID (German / Jewish / Polish versions available)

  • NSDAP Membership Book (available here(*)

  • Passport (available here(*)

  • Snipers Booklet (available here(*)


HELP NEEDED: If you own original of any of documents marked with (*) above, please help completing this page by uploading the pictures / scans to the google drive here! Also let me know if you're OK (or not) with publishing some of them on this page (as examples). 

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