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Enhance your Mother Cross display or gift by fully personalized, complete paper collateral that came with it (medal and box not included).


Historically accurate, faithful reproduction of a whole bundle provided with German Mother's Cross of Honor:

- Photo ID (Ausweis)

- Presentation envelope
- Congratulatory letter with invitation to presentation ceremony from NSDAP
- A4 award certificate


For personalization please provide me with the following data of a lucky mother:

- name of the mother

- her maiden name

- place and date of birth

- award date

- grade of the awarded medal (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

- current address

- send me the passport photo of the mother - I will print it on photo paper and affix with stapler

She will only need to manually sign it under the photography. 

Mother's Cross Bundle!

$48.50 Regular Price
$43.65Sale Price
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